Inspiration Is Everywhere !

I have said it before and I shall say it again, Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.  She is an endless source of inspiration and subject matter to fertilize the ingenious mind.  She provides an endless array of materials to work with from natural paint dyes, materials for texture, clay materials, stone, etc, etc.  She provides simple lighting to change visual perspectives and emotional inflections with lightening, bright sun, to a sunset rosy glow She provides a plethora of sounds for the innovative musician with pattering of rain, birds chirping melodiously at sunrise and dusk, the roar of an avalanche, whisper of the breeze or bull elephant in full charge mode.  Mother Nature has orchestrated a world of amazement for our inspiration and bliss.  Mother Nature,j or Gaia (Mother Earth) as I prefer to call her, is our Provider.  It only stands to reason that She would bestow us with everything we need for the meaning of life and its’ expression.inspiration, DIY, mother nature Continue reading “Inspiration Is Everywhere !”

More of the Strange and Unusual

strange, oddities, unusualMaybe I have too much free time, who knows.  However, I seem to be able to amuse myself quite easily with search engines and wandering around the Internet.  There is so much information out there, so many things to experience and learn.  So many people’s minds to peer into.  What are people up to.  What are they thinking.  What swirls around the heads of billions and billions of people is quite amazing, interesting, unusual, bizarre, or informative. The Internet is an endless flow of human thoughts.  Take your chances and follow me on today’s journey.   Continue reading “More of the Strange and Unusual”

Remember That?

Baby Boomers, memories, 1950;s, 1960;s, nostalgia, Remembering things from the years gone by recreates some a very special time for all us Baby Boomers.  If you don’t remember stick with me as we stroll down Memory Lane. Then, let us all know what you think about the 1950s/1960s and how us Boomers grew up.  So many wonderful things existed back then. Life was much simpler or was it. There are pros and cons to every era.  

Things were simpler because we were just kids and our parents took care of everything as we ran around freely just being kids.  We played on the streets till the street lights came on.  We drank from the hose when we played outside.  We could walk to the library, movies, or school alone with no worries. Rode our bicycles everywhere. No name brand anything to keep up with. Played outside barefoot running wildly catching lightening bugs. Simply eating cherries in the backyard on lawn chairs as a family chatting away.  We were taught no matter what our job may be, president of a large company or janitor mopping floors, we were to do the very best job possible. It was harder because we were instilled with “Duck and Cover” courtesy of Bert the Turtle. There was an imminent fear of destruction during the Cuban Missile Crisis. School reminded us with “Duck and Cover” drills.  Television reminded us with Bert the Turtle Civil Defense announcements. The memories are evocative while looking at these photos of a time not so long ago.  It all brings back  the smells, sounds, tastes and feelings of a life that once was.  Oh how the world has changed but I’ll leave that up to the next generation of kids to tell you all about it.

Continue reading “Remember That?”

No Candy Easter Baskets

crafts, senior citizens, bunnyI am not a huge advocate of filling a basket full of candy for Easter. Rather, I have turned to all sorts of fun things to play with or read or ornaments as keepsakes.  Naturally I opt for the ornaments, as I’m a huge decorative painter.  Always have figurines and paintings for the occasion ready to go.  Stuffed toys can overrun your home. There are just so many stuffed fuzzies one can accumulate. Other than craftwork and stuffed rabbits, what can you do for an Easter basket rather than candy.  It’s spring, the kids are ready to run out the door and play nonstop in the mild weather.  So, here we go.  I have come up with a list of  many  things to pop into a basket and light up little eyes.   Continue reading “No Candy Easter Baskets”

What You May Not Know About Dollhouses

dollhouse, history, DIY, handmade, crafts, craftsmanship,

There have been various forms of dollhouses complete with furnishings, people, livestock and pets for many thousands of years. These miniature houses actually go back into the years of the Egyptians. However, they were not constructed as toys for play purposes but a part of their religious purposes. The earliest examples of dollhouses were found five thousand years ago in Egyptian tombs.  Their dollhouses included replicas of their servants, pets, livestock, and household possessions.   Continue reading “What You May Not Know About Dollhouses”

Crafting Video Tutorials Index

crafting, DIY, paint, homemade

I am always looking for fresh new ideas in craftwork.  Unfortunately, this can be rather time consuming. Therefore, I decided to make a list of various craft sites with video tutorials.  This will make things easier than wallowing through search engines ever time.  Search engines are fantastic but can bring up a lot of unrelated items that you are not exactly what you are looking for.  So, making a web page with lists just makes life a whole lot simpler for me and hopefully you. Bookmark the page and you will have it at your finger tips as well.  Continue reading “Crafting Video Tutorials Index”

Kid Fun … The Best Fun

Easter, bunny, kids, craftsOnce a week, I go over to see my granddaughters, ages 4 and 9, to do arts and crafts. A fun time to spend with the granddaughters who just love the artistic side of life. The best day of the week.  We needed some fun and refreshing projects to do so I began scouting around the Internet for ideas.  Since Easter is around the corner, thought it would fun to make some new decorations for this year.  I plugged popsicle sticks and clothes pins into Google and came up with quite a few wonderful projects I think they will like.  Continue reading “Kid Fun … The Best Fun”

Fun Times with the Strange, Weird, and Unusual

There are a lot of sites on the web that leave me asking why, what’s the purpose, who in their right mind, amazing, who would have ever thought of that and even I like that one!   It is fun to see what other people are thinking about and how they are expressing it in their personal creative way.  Though I do not always understand or see eye to eye, I always appreciate the time and effort put into what other people see as artistic creations or pertinent informational sources.  In my journey through pointless, weird, and unusual web sites, I was greatly rewarded with a lot of grins and giggles and even some wonderful entertainment.  Check it out…People are fantastic.

Continue reading “Fun Times with the Strange, Weird, and Unusual”

Crafting for Easter

Easter, Rabbits, Bunnies, springEaster is just around the corner.  Are you ready?  If not, I’ve found some really awesome Easter designs…quick and easy…for you.  More than likely, you probably already have some of the supplies laying around.    Don’t leave things idle upcycle!  Get the kids involved.  They will love doing this one.  Let’s get going on Easter!

Continue reading “Crafting for Easter”

Adventures in Vacuuming !

vacuums, cleaningBeen thinking.  That could be dangerous…I know but this time it is only about vacuum cleaners. Usually, I kill a vacuum in 18-24 months.  I love to vacuum and have a huge house..  Every time I buy a vacuum I change brands thinking another brand and model will last longer.  Nope.  Same old story 18-24 months and out shopping again.  Upright or canister makes no difference.  Bag or bagless all the same.  Brand or model makes all the same sad story.  Same old confusing what to buy next scenario.  Once I actually flipped a coin the frustration level was so high. I hated shopping in the first place so and this was definitely not fun whatsoever.  UNTIL! ! ! ! ! !

Continue reading “Adventures in Vacuuming !”