No Candy Easter Baskets

crafts, senior citizens, bunnyI am not a huge advocate of filling a basket full of candy for Easter. Rather, I have turned to all sorts of fun things to play with or read or ornaments as keepsakes.  Naturally I opt for the ornaments, as I’m a huge decorative painter.  Always have figurines and paintings for the occasion ready to go.  Stuffed toys can overrun your home. There are just so many stuffed fuzzies one can accumulate. Other than craftwork and stuffed rabbits, what can you do for an Easter basket rather than candy.  It’s spring, the kids are ready to run out the door and play nonstop in the mild weather.  So, here we go.  I have come up with a list of  many  things to pop into a basket and light up little eyes.   Continue reading “No Candy Easter Baskets”

What You May Not Know About Dollhouses

dollhouse, history, DIY, handmade, crafts, craftsmanship,

There have been various forms of dollhouses complete with furnishings, people, livestock and pets for many thousands of years. These miniature houses actually go back into the years of the Egyptians. However, they were not constructed as toys for play purposes but a part of their religious purposes. The earliest examples of dollhouses were found five thousand years ago in Egyptian tombs.  Their dollhouses included replicas of their servants, pets, livestock, and household possessions.   Continue reading “What You May Not Know About Dollhouses”

Kid Fun … The Best Fun

Easter, bunny, kids, craftsOnce a week, I go over to see my granddaughters, ages 4 and 9, to do arts and crafts. A fun time to spend with the granddaughters who just love the artistic side of life. The best day of the week.  We needed some fun and refreshing projects to do so I began scouting around the Internet for ideas.  Since Easter is around the corner, thought it would fun to make some new decorations for this year.  I plugged popsicle sticks and clothes pins into Google and came up with quite a few wonderful projects I think they will like.  Continue reading “Kid Fun … The Best Fun”