Crafting Video Tutorials Index

crafting, DIY, paint, homemade

I am always looking for fresh new ideas in craftwork.  Unfortunately, this can be rather time consuming. Therefore, I decided to make a list of various craft sites with video tutorials.  This will make things easier than wallowing through search engines ever time.  Search engines are fantastic but can bring up a lot of unrelated items that you are not exactly what you are looking for.  So, making a web page with lists just makes life a whole lot simpler for me and hopefully you. Bookmark the page and you will have it at your finger tips as well.  Continue reading “Crafting Video Tutorials Index”

Treasury of Links — I Share With You

time to improveToday, I have been working on setting up my bookmarks for everyone to enjoy. Just wanted to share the great things I am finding throughout my travels on the web.  I especially like the free sites with free patterns or lessons. I am all about learning how to do something and doing it myself.  I will be adding new links on and off in the future.  I will post them in a contrasting color making them stand out as new.   I hope you enjoy.

Click here for list —  TREASURY OF LINKS

Crochet Some Fantastic Potholders or Scrubbies!

DIY, craft, crafting, crochetThis morning, several chicken potholders were in one of the features on my Facebook page.  It immediately brought me down memory lane.  My mother had many potholders she had crocheted in her younger years. They were so pretty and so different than the things we see now today.  Some were shaped like flowers with others being square but patterned, others having five sides, etc. They were awesome.  Too pretty to use.  Sad to say the books she used are long gone.  The vintage patterns were always special to me.  It makes me sad to think of all the old pattern books from yesteryear are no longer around.  Continue reading “Crochet Some Fantastic Potholders or Scrubbies!”