What You May Not Know About Dollhouses

dollhouse, history, DIY, handmade, crafts, craftsmanship,

There have been various forms of dollhouses complete with furnishings, people, livestock and pets for many thousands of years. These miniature houses actually go back into the years of the Egyptians. However, they were not constructed as toys for play purposes but a part of their religious purposes. The earliest examples of dollhouses were found five thousand years ago in Egyptian tombs.  Their dollhouses included replicas of their servants, pets, livestock, and household possessions.   Continue reading “What You May Not Know About Dollhouses”

Fascinating Vintage Photographs

vintage, photography, oddities, headless manVintage photos certainly can be reminiscent, entertaining, mesmerizing, or downright creepy.  Some are just so darned peculiar one can determine just what these people were thinking or what they were trying to express.  It all seems far to strange in this modern day or does it.  Nevertheless, it is extremely intriguing to take a glimpse into the past to see what people were up to.  I am making reference to the photography of the 1800’s. or early 1900’s. When cameras  were just developing and people were getting creative with this new and strange device. Very creative………Now here is a fun filled photo to send home to mom after your spring break.  She will be thrilled! Really do not know who, what or why this picture was taken but definitely up there on the strange and unusual list.

These photos were quite a process to make.  It required combing multiple negatives to produce just one image.  vintage, photography, oddities, headless couple

What was their fasciation with the headless., as there are just hundreds of these photos. Quite the sense of humor or quite the ghoulish fascination of the time.   Continue reading “Fascinating Vintage Photographs”

A Sea of Knowledge and Creativity – Pinterest

Pinterest, knowledge,

Whoever thought up Pinterest surely hit the mother lode. Pinterest is an idea catalogue, informational resource, and a nice walk down memory lane.  One can enjoy the web search efforts of others to enhance whatever genre they are interested.  From fashion, recipes, crafts, humor, vintage toys and lunch boxes, school work,  history right on to the strange postmortem photography and on and on. Find whatever interests you and be linked to specific sites containing in depth information on your specific topic. Pinterest is like a huge search engine for the those seeking more knowledge,  just the curious seeking entertainment or perhaps a sales person seeking a venue.  Things you have not seen or thought of in years will pop up somewhere on Pinterest for great nostalgia.  Regardless of your interest, Pinterest will have something to offer on just about every topic.  Continue reading “A Sea of Knowledge and Creativity – Pinterest”

Urban Exploration Artistic Photography

abandonedThe urban explorer spends his time investigating abandoned homes, businesses, hospitals, railway stations, etc.  They find a certain artistic value in the decay and neglect. I have to agree.  Some of their pictures are absolutely stunning and really hit home.  Often times, they will relate the history of a property and why it has been abandoned.  Each story is unique in circumstances but are joined in the sadness that what one once worked so hard to procure  now lays in ruin. Other times, there is nothing to go on other than subtle clues left behind within the rubble. Continue reading “Urban Exploration Artistic Photography”