Inspiration Is Everywhere !

I have said it before and I shall say it again, Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.  She is an endless source of inspiration and subject matter to fertilize the ingenious mind.  She provides an endless array of materials to work with from natural paint dyes, materials for texture, clay materials, stone, etc, etc.  She provides simple lighting to change visual perspectives and emotional inflections with lightening, bright sun, to a sunset rosy glow She provides a plethora of sounds for the innovative musician with pattering of rain, birds chirping melodiously at sunrise and dusk, the roar of an avalanche, whisper of the breeze or bull elephant in full charge mode.  Mother Nature has orchestrated a world of amazement for our inspiration and bliss.  Mother Nature,j or Gaia (Mother Earth) as I prefer to call her, is our Provider.  It only stands to reason that She would bestow us with everything we need for the meaning of life and its’ expression.inspiration, DIY, mother nature Continue reading “Inspiration Is Everywhere !”