More of the Strange and Unusual

strange, oddities, unusualMaybe I have too much free time, who knows.  However, I seem to be able to amuse myself quite easily with search engines and wandering around the Internet.  There is so much information out there, so many things to experience and learn.  So many people’s minds to peer into.  What are people up to.  What are they thinking.  What swirls around the heads of billions and billions of people is quite amazing, interesting, unusual, bizarre, or informative. The Internet is an endless flow of human thoughts.  Take your chances and follow me on today’s journey.   Continue reading “More of the Strange and Unusual”

Fun Times with the Strange, Weird, and Unusual

There are a lot of sites on the web that leave me asking why, what’s the purpose, who in their right mind, amazing, who would have ever thought of that and even I like that one!   It is fun to see what other people are thinking about and how they are expressing it in their personal creative way.  Though I do not always understand or see eye to eye, I always appreciate the time and effort put into what other people see as artistic creations or pertinent informational sources.  In my journey through pointless, weird, and unusual web sites, I was greatly rewarded with a lot of grins and giggles and even some wonderful entertainment.  Check it out…People are fantastic.

Continue reading “Fun Times with the Strange, Weird, and Unusual”