More of the Strange and Unusual

strange, oddities, unusualMaybe I have too much free time, who knows.  However, I seem to be able to amuse myself quite easily with search engines and wandering around the Internet.  There is so much information out there, so many things to experience and learn.  So many people’s minds to peer into.  What are people up to.  What are they thinking.  What swirls around the heads of billions and billions of people is quite amazing, interesting, unusual, bizarre, or informative. The Internet is an endless flow of human thoughts.  Take your chances and follow me on today’s journey.   Continue reading “More of the Strange and Unusual”

Adventures in Vacuuming !

vacuums, cleaningBeen thinking.  That could be dangerous…I know but this time it is only about vacuum cleaners. Usually, I kill a vacuum in 18-24 months.  I love to vacuum and have a huge house..  Every time I buy a vacuum I change brands thinking another brand and model will last longer.  Nope.  Same old story 18-24 months and out shopping again.  Upright or canister makes no difference.  Bag or bagless all the same.  Brand or model makes all the same sad story.  Same old confusing what to buy next scenario.  Once I actually flipped a coin the frustration level was so high. I hated shopping in the first place so and this was definitely not fun whatsoever.  UNTIL! ! ! ! ! !

Continue reading “Adventures in Vacuuming !”

Day 3 – Jigsaw Puzzle Therapy

Does the day ever become too busy or chaotic you just want to hide in the closet?   Has your brain hit overload with work or people or whatever is occurring in life?   After a long period of painting or working on the computer with pictures or blogging, too many chores or whatever, I get antsy, distracted or develop these huge brain freezes hampering any further productivity.  It makes me want to scream and go hide.  Rather than causing a ruckus in the neighborhood with my clamoring, a different approach was necessary.  Not to mention I would scare the fur right off Little Dog.   This is when my joy of jigsaw puzzles saved me with a relaxing diversion.  I call it Jigsaw Puzzle Therapy, original name right, LOL.

Continue reading “Day 3 – Jigsaw Puzzle Therapy”