Urban Exploration Artistic Photography

abandonedThe urban explorer spends his time investigating abandoned homes, businesses, hospitals, railway stations, etc.  They find a certain artistic value in the decay and neglect. I have to agree.  Some of their pictures are absolutely stunning and really hit home.  Often times, they will relate the history of a property and why it has been abandoned.  Each story is unique in circumstances but are joined in the sadness that what one once worked so hard to procure  now lays in ruin. Other times, there is nothing to go on other than subtle clues left behind within the rubble. Continue reading “Urban Exploration Artistic Photography”

YouTube Junkie

YouTube never made much sense to me.  Why would anyone want to watch a bunch of people they did not know do random stuff.  Then one day I tried it out.  Had to see what the fuss was all about.  People I knew were raving about the thing.   One boring night, I logged onto the Internet and pulled up YouTube.

Once on the site, I created an account and immediately became lost.  What they suggested was too thrilling.  Ah, there was that wonderful search box.   What did I want to see.  Boston Terriers of course!  Boston Terrier, senior citizens, RoseBud was my precious little girl.  The rest was history.   One video let to another and another and another……  You get the picture. The more I watched the more I wanted to see.   It was a taunting bag of Lays potato chips.  Bet you can’t watch one!  I had to locate the videos on Dachshunds.  Lo and behold,  Little Dog has come across his craziness honestly!  Stubborn as the day is long, silly as Dachshund, senior citizens, petsthe Mad Hatter and faithful to the end of time.

Soon I  discovered Sylvester the Talking Kitty.  My stomach hurt so much from laughing at the silly kitty.  He was hilarious and has quite the potty mouth.   To the right of each video was a whole list of videos.  Some were on the same topic but others of a  different genre.  This is how I began to find extremely interesting, funny, and informative people.  Some were traveling all over the United States visiting strange and of the beaten path places.   Locations I had never heard and probably would have never heard of had they not told me.   The places were amazing though.  Did you know there was a Land of Oz (yes the yellow brick road land) in the mountains of NC?  They were visiting filming locations and matched up each site from the actual film footage to present day shots.  Then the Disneyland frequenters.  Awesome.  Having only been to Disney World once, seeing the west coast Disneyland was so exciting.  I thank Adam the Woo, Justin Scarred and The Carpetbagger for this.

Continue reading “YouTube Junkie”