Mesmerized By Steampunk

DIY, crafts, crafting, craft painting, Steampunk, inventionsBecause I love hot air balloons and wandering around YouTube, I discovered a lot of art projects related to Steampunk.  During my search for light bulb hot air balloons, I came across this incredible version of hot air balloon which was silver. had many odd gadgets added onto it, and looked from another world. The fellow who created this piece said it was Steampunk.  Okay, I need toknow more.  I found Steampunk fascinating in its designs. It was then, I decided to look into origins and reasons for this specific style.  Of course, I had heard about Steampunk for years and seen many a fantastic art project related to the genre.  I just loved the style.  So, what exactly was I being enticed by? Continue reading “Mesmerized By Steampunk”

Jelly Bean Madness

Jelly Beans…. DIY, crafts, crafting, jelly beans that was the first thought that came to my mind upon awakening today.  Jelly beans yummy, yummy jelly beans which then started me wondering just how jelly beans are made.   Perhaps because I was ogling the jelly beans at Hobby Lobby when  I was supposed to be searching for craft supplies.  One can get so easily side tracked by something so simple! Fortunately for my blood sugar levels, I left them all on the shelf…boo hoo.  Still has not stopped me from wondering how those luscious little sugary morsels are made.  Leave it to me, I shall get to the bottom of this.  Continue reading “Jelly Bean Madness”

Crochet Some Fantastic Potholders or Scrubbies!

DIY, craft, crafting, crochetThis morning, several chicken potholders were in one of the features on my Facebook page.  It immediately brought me down memory lane.  My mother had many potholders she had crocheted in her younger years. They were so pretty and so different than the things we see now today.  Some were shaped like flowers with others being square but patterned, others having five sides, etc. They were awesome.  Too pretty to use.  Sad to say the books she used are long gone.  The vintage patterns were always special to me.  It makes me sad to think of all the old pattern books from yesteryear are no longer around.  Continue reading “Crochet Some Fantastic Potholders or Scrubbies!”

Terra Cotta Pot Crafting

For a long time now I have wanted to do things with terra cotta pots.  There are some amazing ideas found on Pinterest and other sites on the Internet showing.   Some wild and crazy things to make with colors unbelievable.  There are some functionally practical things for every day use.  At this time, I have opted for a functional practical use.  Why?  Anyone who knows me will tell you how spoiled my Little Dog is.  I am wrapped around his little ‘claw’.  When I saw this idea, he just has to have one.  Though most will not admit it, they too are wrapped around their own ‘Little Dog’s’ claw.   terra cotta pots, DIY, craft project

Little Dog can never have enough treat jars! After all, he has his biscuit treats for when I have to leave the house, his teeth cleaning treats, and his ‘Mommy needs to bribe you to do something’ treats.   He’s 13-years-old and lets now fool ourselves, I am bribing him now not training him!   I do love that Little Dog.   He is my inspiration for this project.  So off we go to create Puppy Treat Jars.

Continue reading “Terra Cotta Pot Crafting”

Preparing for Craft Festivals

The time has come to start deciding what will be necessary to create a mobile store for craft festivals.  One can not just bring a table and flop stuff on top of a barren surface expecting it to appeal to a prospective customer.  They will just keep walking by.   Just as in a department store, one must take care to have appeal and enticement.  craft fair, craft show, craft festival

Knowing the size of your shop will be very important in deciding how many tables you can bring.  Three has worked well for me in the past as they will fit under my EZup awning.  Outside you may get a larger area and will need it, as an awning will be important to keep off the beating sun.  Inside, spots have been a tad smaller and was only able to have a two table configuration.  So check and plan the lay out before you leave home.  Once you arrive at the show, the object will be to set up so you are ready and calm when the first customers arrive.    Continue reading “Preparing for Craft Festivals”

Better Days Are Coming

Some days are just better than others especially when sinuses go crazy with ringing and clogged ears, pounding headache, facial pain .  Not much progress  has been accomplished thus far today.  Therefore,  I have designated this day as a regroup and reground day.  Need my sinuses cleared out and regain my peace of mind.

Have been doing a lot of thinking and planning lately which is quite daunting.   Cleaning out the house of unnecessary things downsizing to live in a much much smaller home.   Yup from 2,200 square feet of living space, double garage, four bedrooms, two full baths, dining room, breakfast nook, kitchen and living room, back porch, and an acre of lawn care has become quite overwhelming at this stage of life. DIY, Home, Downsizing Downsizing  into a tiny house and a high-top RV  to go to craft shows or just gad about the US seeing the sites.   The bucket list grows daily of all the things to see and do.   So, that’s the plan.

May take a year to get the house sale ready, as it is only myself and I move slow to ensure I am doing things properly.  I will miss Mr. Easter Island Man but will get over it.  I may miss a lot of things but not more than I miss two of my children living up north I have not seen in a very long time.  My children are what give me the greatest pleasure along with my nine grandchildren. Continue reading “Better Days Are Coming”

YouTube Junkie

YouTube never made much sense to me.  Why would anyone want to watch a bunch of people they did not know do random stuff.  Then one day I tried it out.  Had to see what the fuss was all about.  People I knew were raving about the thing.   One boring night, I logged onto the Internet and pulled up YouTube.

Once on the site, I created an account and immediately became lost.  What they suggested was too thrilling.  Ah, there was that wonderful search box.   What did I want to see.  Boston Terriers of course!  Boston Terrier, senior citizens, RoseBud was my precious little girl.  The rest was history.   One video let to another and another and another……  You get the picture. The more I watched the more I wanted to see.   It was a taunting bag of Lays potato chips.  Bet you can’t watch one!  I had to locate the videos on Dachshunds.  Lo and behold,  Little Dog has come across his craziness honestly!  Stubborn as the day is long, silly as Dachshund, senior citizens, petsthe Mad Hatter and faithful to the end of time.

Soon I  discovered Sylvester the Talking Kitty.  My stomach hurt so much from laughing at the silly kitty.  He was hilarious and has quite the potty mouth.   To the right of each video was a whole list of videos.  Some were on the same topic but others of a  different genre.  This is how I began to find extremely interesting, funny, and informative people.  Some were traveling all over the United States visiting strange and of the beaten path places.   Locations I had never heard and probably would have never heard of had they not told me.   The places were amazing though.  Did you know there was a Land of Oz (yes the yellow brick road land) in the mountains of NC?  They were visiting filming locations and matched up each site from the actual film footage to present day shots.  Then the Disneyland frequenters.  Awesome.  Having only been to Disney World once, seeing the west coast Disneyland was so exciting.  I thank Adam the Woo, Justin Scarred and The Carpetbagger for this.

Continue reading “YouTube Junkie”

Walking With Nature

Walking with nature brings joy to one’s soul.  To be in the sunshine and hear the wind blow.  The cry of the birds as they soar through the sky or perch upon the earth resting their wings.  Watching them scurry along the ground in search of tasty morsels.   Just to be and to heal surrounded by the forcee and true beauty it presents.

The cacophony of the world subsides to nothing as you embrace the surroundings.  The worries and pressures of daily life melt away.  Even the physical aches and pains of the body subside and cease to cause worry.

For myself, the sea is Mother Nature’s tranquilizer.  Simply sit upon the sand, eyes closed and face tilted toward the sun above instantaneously relieves all tensions physical or mental.  Regenerate, recharge and revive my spirit just being in the presence of the sea and its creatures.

Breathe deeply taking salt air into the lungs.  Each cell is revived.  The brain is cleared of  pesky cobwebs and clutter. beach, boardwalk, ocean, relaxation An instant reset to entire system.  The only side effect of this tranquilizer is true comfort of a relaxed yet productive presence for the remainder of the day.

Going early in the morning or during evening hours has been the most pleasurable. The intense heat of the day never does anyone a favor other than a sunburn or heat exhaustion.  The early hours or later hours are the most serene.  You have the beach basically to yourself.  The greatest hours to take leisurely walks collecting shells for crafting, spotting driftwood, and mostly beach, sea oats, ocean, relaxationtaking photos without being bombed by all the people passing by.

Just gazing upon the power of the sea in every wave that pounds the shore is a reminder of the power we have within to create our lives. The sound of the waves crashing is music to my ears.  The squawk of  the gulls is the harmony. The sand between my toes and the water splashing on my legs.  A natural relaxant and free pedicure.  Never neglect to gaze out onto the sea’s vast expanse and you may see dolphins.  Early enough in the morning you will capture a gorgeous sunrise.

Continue reading “Walking With Nature”

Day 2 — Every Day is Different

Enjoying this lifestyle greatly.  Every day is different.  One day cleaning out the house preparing for my huge tag sale is top priority.  Downsizing from four bedroom and two full baths is top priority.  Little Dog and I just rattle around in here.  Way to big.  So, cleaning out closets, cupboards, dressers, the attic and putting lots and lots of stuff out.  We need very little.  Just my computer and craft supplies works for me.

Wake up the next day and hitting it hard and heaving in the craft room.  Working on Peter Rabbit right now and several children sets of plaster figurine, one set for the farm yard and another set for the princess and her castle.  Particularly fond of making things for children because then I can play with the toys!

Continue reading “Day 2 — Every Day is Different”