Inspiration Is Everywhere !

I have said it before and I shall say it again, Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.  She is an endless source of inspiration and subject matter to fertilize the ingenious mind.  She provides an endless array of materials to work with from natural paint dyes, materials for texture, clay materials, stone, etc, etc.  She provides simple lighting to change visual perspectives and emotional inflections with lightening, bright sun, to a sunset rosy glow She provides a plethora of sounds for the innovative musician with pattering of rain, birds chirping melodiously at sunrise and dusk, the roar of an avalanche, whisper of the breeze or bull elephant in full charge mode.  Mother Nature has orchestrated a world of amazement for our inspiration and bliss.  Mother Nature,j or Gaia (Mother Earth) as I prefer to call her, is our Provider.  It only stands to reason that She would bestow us with everything we need for the meaning of life and its’ expression.inspiration, DIY, mother nature Continue reading “Inspiration Is Everywhere !”

More of the Strange and Unusual

strange, oddities, unusualMaybe I have too much free time, who knows.  However, I seem to be able to amuse myself quite easily with search engines and wandering around the Internet.  There is so much information out there, so many things to experience and learn.  So many people’s minds to peer into.  What are people up to.  What are they thinking.  What swirls around the heads of billions and billions of people is quite amazing, interesting, unusual, bizarre, or informative. The Internet is an endless flow of human thoughts.  Take your chances and follow me on today’s journey.   Continue reading “More of the Strange and Unusual”

Nature’s Oddities – Potoo Bird

Oddities, there sure seems to be a never ending list of oddities found in nature. Last week I came across the Potoo bird from Venezuela.  Immediately I looked it up because very rarely do I take the word of an internet post as fact.  Not to mention that bird just did not look real.  Figured someone was trying to pull the wool over my eyes.  Lo and behold, the Potoo bird is definitely one of nature’s oddities.Oddities Potoo Bird

These birds are located in the humid  forested areas of Central and South America, as well as in areas of Australia. They prefer the edges of the forest near open areas where food sources are more plentiful. They stay in their local habitat all year round and do not have any migratory cycles.  They are monogamous. which actually puts them in danger.  Some rural Brazilians hunt and kill Potoos for their feathers. They believe the feathers have the power to ensure chastity.   Therefore, they hunt the Potoo for body parts used to perform ceremonies that will ward off seduction.  At times, they actually will eat the bird, although there isn’t much meat.
Continue reading “Nature’s Oddities – Potoo Bird”

Meeting With Nature…Why Hello Mr. Snake!


Little Dog and I went for a morning walk yesterday.  Nature just loves crossing my path but not with what I want to cross it.  I was on the hunt for those huge thistles growing on the side of the road.  Wanted some good pics for my collection.  Well, well, well no thistle to be found BUT there was another one of my snake buddies.  Half in the road and half in the grass.  Almost ran him over with the stroller.   Little Dog’s stroller, as he can not walk that far anymore.  He is 13-1/2 years now and slowing those little pupper legs down.  He loves his stroller though.  When we get to a place of stopping,  I let him out to wander around and stretch those short little legs.   Continue reading “Meeting With Nature…Why Hello Mr. Snake!”