Walking With Nature

Walking with nature brings joy to one’s soul.  To be in the sunshine and hear the wind blow.  The cry of the birds as they soar through the sky or perch upon the earth resting their wings.  Watching them scurry along the ground in search of tasty morsels.   Just to be and to heal surrounded by the forcee and true beauty it presents.

The cacophony of the world subsides to nothing as you embrace the surroundings.  The worries and pressures of daily life melt away.  Even the physical aches and pains of the body subside and cease to cause worry.

For myself, the sea is Mother Nature’s tranquilizer.  Simply sit upon the sand, eyes closed and face tilted toward the sun above instantaneously relieves all tensions physical or mental.  Regenerate, recharge and revive my spirit just being in the presence of the sea and its creatures.

Breathe deeply taking salt air into the lungs.  Each cell is revived.  The brain is cleared of  pesky cobwebs and clutter. beach, boardwalk, ocean, relaxation An instant reset to entire system.  The only side effect of this tranquilizer is true comfort of a relaxed yet productive presence for the remainder of the day.

Going early in the morning or during evening hours has been the most pleasurable. The intense heat of the day never does anyone a favor other than a sunburn or heat exhaustion.  The early hours or later hours are the most serene.  You have the beach basically to yourself.  The greatest hours to take leisurely walks collecting shells for crafting, spotting driftwood, and mostly beach, sea oats, ocean, relaxationtaking photos without being bombed by all the people passing by.

Just gazing upon the power of the sea in every wave that pounds the shore is a reminder of the power we have within to create our lives. The sound of the waves crashing is music to my ears.  The squawk of  the gulls is the harmony. The sand between my toes and the water splashing on my legs.  A natural relaxant and free pedicure.  Never neglect to gaze out onto the sea’s vast expanse and you may see dolphins.  Early enough in the morning you will capture a gorgeous sunrise.

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