Frustrations Turned to Crafting Inspiration

Some days flow so easily knowing just what to do, how to do and the best sequence in obtaining the goal.  Other days are a jumbled hodge podge of drama and mishap.   What to do….what to do….  One seems to lose track putting everything as a priority resulting running around in chaos getting nothing done at all.

There are days  when simply crawling out of bed is a major challenge.  Insomnia does strange things to the psyche. Sleep deprivation or stress.  Either way, the day is a doozy.  So a good nights rest is very import for the creative juices to flow and grabbing success by the horns!  

Mother Nature is full of tricks which I realized when finally I had the house to myself in quietude.  Aaaah, I could finally sleep in or go to bed early should I so chose.   What a relief to catch up on all those years of hectic chaos.  Not that I regret one single moment because I absolutely treasure every moment spent with my children and now grandchildren.  However, my personal daily routine would be mine now.  Right!

Ding Dong, Mother Nature calling.  Mother Nature, crafting, sleepSeems that once I went through menopause, Mother Nature figured I was  quite used to the routine and in fact now less duties I needed even less sleep.  Things got worse though.  Awakening began to occur 5 a.m., 4 a.m., 3 a.m. and the best yet after 1-/2 hours of sleep my eye spring open and it was time to get up and rock and roll!  Though I can manage on very limited sleep, even I have my limits.

One thing I learned very early on was not to fight it.  If I lay there at least the body is resting.  My body was crying for more rest so I began to peruse online for answers and mad some fine discoveries. These are just a few things I discovered to aid myself in obtaining a decent restful night.

I  found Web MD very helpful on other minor medical concerns so I tried it for insomnia . These are just a few of the great ideas I found and put into practice with good results.

  • Limit Napping:  I had been taking afternoon naps to make up for the loss of sleep and working at night when I was awake suffering the insomnia.  Wrong approach.  So I suffered through a period of fighting off sleep during the day and only sleeping for however long I could at night.
  • Arise Each Morning Same Time: I began setting my alarm close for the same time each morning.  This way I knew exactly when I was allowed out of bed. Do not sleep in hitting the snooze. Do not get up early before you hear the buzz.  Some mornings were rough because I always was awake before the buzz and still to this day, although I have discovered I have a great fear of being late all the time.  A stress to yet conquer, although getting better.
  • Eliminate Alcohol and Caffeine:  I never drink alcohol and I’m down to 2 cups a coffee in the a.m..  Have discontinued Diet Coke, I was a full blown junkie on that stuff.  Drinking herbal teas loving Sleepytime with valerian by Celestial Seasons.  That has been very helpful in calming. Drinking plenty of water filtered by reverse osmosis.
  • No Activities In Bed:  No reading, crocheting, crossword puzzles, watching YouTube on my Nook!  What?!?!  This habit was hard to break.  I had to stay out of my bed unless I was actually going to sleep!  That scared me because that was what I thought had been enabling me to sleep.  Nope quite to the contrary Web MD was telling me.  I gave it a try and boy oh boy do I hate to be told I’m wrong LOL.  Keep that crap out of the bed now.
  • Exercising:  Well, Little Dog had an accident and hurt his back severely being unable to walk at all.  So our walks were called to a screeching halt with all the kennel rest he required and he still was not up to our long walks.  Ah hah!  walking, stress relief, crafting, sleepI remember seeing there were pet strollers for pups and cats.  He is a dachshund and that would be perfect for him.  Presto problem solved and we are out on the road again.  He walks some but when he is getting tired and looking sore, I pop him into the stroller.
  • Reduce Stress:  Oh sure.  Was I supposed to quit my job?  Why yes!  My job was basically driving making me ill with stress and now 1-1/2 hours of sleep per night.  Really had to sit down and think about that one.  On January 6, 2017, I quit my job and decided to open a craft business doing what I love so I could love what I do every day.  Blogging became a part of this process which has been a bit stressful learning all the ins and outs of the software and networking.  Still working with this.  Difference is I love it!

The above alterations gave me my life back.  Not saying there is no stress or chaos because with life those things are a guarantee.  Bot how to handle them and what to do when situations occur.  Difference is I am now sleeping 6+ hours a night awakening refreshed and looking forward to what I do every day. There is always something new to learn or try out.  There is always an adventure to be had now I am clear headed enough to recognize it.

When chaos and frustration enter, and they will from time to time,  I implement lists.  Some days they start with eat breakfast, take a shower, clean your teeth …..using simple mundane tasks to go on autopilot.   Usually after 2-3tasks have been checked off my list, it has settled me in the direction I need to go.  My blog is on the way to being written during which I toy in the back of my mind projects to accomplish in the afternoon. That great multitasking returns!  I write them down on my calendar to maintain my focus on my blog  and not forget for later.  TimeandDate is a fun way to keep track of time, events, daily schedules, etc.  Printable as well which is what I do for my physical desktop.

When I get to my craft room …. boy oh boy do I have some fun and energy now!

Make life fun again for yourself.  Create life on your terms.  There is always a way to get back into productiveness.  Reconnect with the joy in your journey!

“The First wealth is health.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I take care of my health and then all else follows in prosperity.