Mesmerized By Steampunk

DIY, crafts, crafting, craft painting, Steampunk, inventionsBecause I love hot air balloons and wandering around YouTube, I discovered a lot of art projects related to Steampunk.  During my search for light bulb hot air balloons, I came across this incredible version of hot air balloon which was silver. had many odd gadgets added onto it, and looked from another world. The fellow who created this piece said it was Steampunk.  Okay, I need toknow more.  I found Steampunk fascinating in its designs. It was then, I decided to look into origins and reasons for this specific style.  Of course, I had heard about Steampunk for years and seen many a fantastic art project related to the genre.  I just loved the style.  So, what exactly was I being enticed by? Continue reading “Mesmerized By Steampunk”

Color Crafting – Move Your Soul

Color Color Everywhere!

Colorful influences surround us wherever we go. Splashes of reds, greens, yellows bedeck the world! Color is everywhere and does ‘do’ things to us. It will affect our mood creating an uplifted and alive air or downtrodden and sad gloom. Color can affect our energy level with vim and vigor or lazy sluggishness. Whatever the case may be, it is always interesting to take notice what colors are present and under what circumstances. This can be a lot of fun and very enlightening.

At the end of this article you will find an informative color chart and psychology.

Continue reading “Color Crafting – Move Your Soul”