Craft Painting and Mixing Colors

color, craft paintColor is the most amazing visual experience and should be embraced to its fullest.  Why, because at age 38 genuine senile cataracts formed in both eyes washing out the world ready to cut it off.  A unique and genuine appreciation for color ensued.  Even the tiniest alteration in hue or shading makes a project pop into animated life or render it blah.  Color is magic.

paint containers
You can buy these containers at any craft shop.

When it comes to mixing colors, I make sure to mix sufficient quantity resulting in a tad extra to be saved in a small container.  You might make a goof and need to correct later on in the painting process.  It may be a truly fantastic variation of color which might be hard to duplicate in the future for another project you have in mind.  Then again, one can never have too many colors.  When mixing colors use a toothpick or similar implement.  Using a  brush creates  the bristle monster.  You will find bristles soon turn every crazy angle imaginable or unimaginable to man.  This puts paint where you do not want it and gives a very sparse uneven layer where you spread  paint.   Brushes are to expensive to trash about like that.

Scientist I am not.  Everything is by eye.  A drop of this or spot of that then jackpot.  Like I cook!  There is the exact color variant I am trying to achieve.  No color is right and no color is wrong.  It is all about what you like to see reflected or not reflected in your project.  One would think black is just black.  No it is not.  Black is quite an interesting color, as it is the absorption of all color.  It does not reflect anything…a huge void.  Discover for yourself how it can go into blue hues or red hues.  Just ad a smidge of whatever color you want reflected and surprise.  Can not tell you how it works scientifically just know that it does. Absolutely amazing how it can be tweaked and pinched to fit perfectly a specific color scheme one is working with.  On the other hand, white is the reflection of all color.  It, too, can be manipulated to suit specific needs.  Work with it in a similar manner as with black.  Be creative and see what you can do with it.  Amaze yourself.

Gray hues are another variety of coloration.  Many shades of blue I find annoying.  Toning it down with a bit of gray is great.  Just a dab of gray and it mutes it to a soothing and pleasurable variation  This works well with pinks and yellows.  A color that is bright and overbearing can be toned down instantly.   Many favorite colors have been found by doing this.

All paints I use are acrylics.  They dry quickly allowing you to move along in your project.  Clean up is a snap with simple water and mild soap being sure you always rinse thoroughly.  Ceramcoat is preferred, although have tried just about everything.   When paints become old I just toss them out.  They lose the proper texture and become grainy which leads to a fail in creating a beautiful project.  They will not mix properly and will not smooth or layer properly.

Today, one can get just about any color imaginable.

Double sided spinning carrousel….full and then some.

So you may have no desire to mix your colors.  Me, well I adore color and just can not get enough of it.   Heck, I drive a Cyber Green Beetle!

Regardless, love your colors and continue painting!



“Break the monotony. Do something strange and extravagant!”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I bedazzle my life with color!