Color Crafting – Move Your Soul

Color Color Everywhere!

Colorful influences surround us wherever we go. Splashes of reds, greens, yellows bedeck the world! Color is everywhere and does ‘do’ things to us. It will affect our mood creating an uplifted and alive air or downtrodden and sad gloom. Color can affect our energy level with vim and vigor or lazy sluggishness. Whatever the case may be, it is always interesting to take notice what colors are present and under what circumstances. This can be a lot of fun and very enlightening.

At the end of this article you will find an informative color chart and psychology.

Is there a room of your home that you walk in and just feel so invigorated and ready to work? Perhaps you experience sleeping difficulties. What is the mood of the room you retire in. Is it brightly decorated with wild colorful accents….helllllooooo insomnia. When you waken the next morning it will scream at you to hurry, hurry, hurry before you have a chance to collect your senses. Not a great to the day. Even this color worshiper would have to rethink that pallet. Is it soothing and calming and beckoning your slow your juices. Upon awakening it gently welcomes you back for another day.

Play with color. What makes you feel good. What calms you down. What energizes you for activity. Decorate with or wear these colors to improve life everyday. Ever notice how your wardrobe is drawn to certain colors at certain times of your life. You can keep tabs on where your thoughts are leading you and either calm it down or kick it up. If your job requires you to wear a lot of dark gloomy colors you can change that as soon as you get home changing your clothes and having your home decorated to mind altering pallets.

“The earth laughs in flowers.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have you ever seen a dull lackluster flower?